
HVAC Regulatory requirements

Published: March 24, 2022
HVAC Regulatory requirements

Dear Valued Lennox Partner:

As your trusted partner and HVAC manufacturer, we are here to ensure you and your business are ready for the upcoming 2023 regulatory requirements set by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). These changes will increase the required minimum efficiencies for residential and commercial HVAC (packaged unitary rooftops, split systems, Mini-VRF and mini-splits) equipment starting on January 1st, 2023. The DOE does not dictate the technology that HVAC manufacturers must use to hit the new minimum efficiencies. Our goal is to help your business prepare for the upcoming regulation changes and facilitate a smooth transition to the DOE 2023 compliant products. 

What is Lennox doing to prepare?

Lennox has been redesigning over 75% of our commercial product offering to meet and exceed the 2023 DOE minimum efficiency standards to have compliant products starting in late 2022. We will provide the necessary engineering data in Q2 of 2022 to ensure a smooth transition to our new compliant products. Also, any rooftop unit with a gas heat exchanger with a heating input capacity greater than 225,000 btu/h will be upgraded from 80% to 81% thermal efficiency. 

Download Download the 2023 DOE Guide.pdf

Watch this Video to learn more.

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